Rishon Lezion

There are disabled services

There is a Loop Hear

There is disabled parking

There is accessible furniture

There is an accessible sequence

There is an accessible front door
Rishon Lezion
Children of Tehran 5 Rishon Lezion
Fast and quality Mexican street food. Burritos, tacos, burritos and more surprises.
The branch is located in the center of Cinema City (next to the escalators) and serves the thousands of visitors who come.
The branch is a fast ordering counter and sitting on the adjacent bar or in the plaza next to the branch.
The branch makes deliveries to Rishon LeZion, Holon, Azor, Bat Yam, Rehovot, Ness Ziona and Beer Yaakov
Event food and catering can also be ordered
Disabled access desk, disabled services in the market complex