Mexicana Petah Tikva

There are disabled services

There is disabled parking

There is accessible furniture

There is an accessible sequence

There is an accessible front door
Petah Tikva
Made in Israel 3 Petah Tikva – Shot Time complex
Located in the Shop Time complex in Petah Tikva. Serves the business area islanders by day and the blazers by night. The branch has about 60 seats inside the restaurant and another 40 outside.
The restaurant is a restaurant with full waiter service and an expanded menu of tacos, burritos, assembled meals, margaritas and cocktails and a real Mexican atmosphere.
The branch is kosher
You can also order kosher events and catering
The branch makes deliveries to Petah Tikva, Kiryat Ono, Savyon, Yehud.
Accessibility for the disabled Disabled services inside the Judgment Time complex